Student Checking and Savings Offer

Get award winning banking – and up to $301.

With SoFi’s Student Checking and Savings Offer, you can get a $301 cash bonus by simply signing up and funding your account. Sign up with your .edu email address to get started. You must sign up through this webpage to receive the $30 offer.

Open an account

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Sign up offers

Here’s how to cash in on up to $30.1

  • Get a $301 cash bonus when you sign up for a student bank account with your .edu email address and add at least $10 to your account within 5 days of registration. You must sign up through this webpage to receive the $30 offer.

See why 1 million students
have chosen SoFi2.

Focus on degrees, not fees

No overdraft fees. No minimum balance fees. No monthly fees. Plus, 55,000+ fee-free ATMs within the Allpoint Network.3

Do it all in one app.

Pay bills, deposit checks, send money, manage your digital wallet, and get live customer support 7 days a week, all in the SoFi app.

Save with Vaults

Whether it’s for spring break or a rainy day, savings Vaults are here to help you reach your goals.

Your money is safe with us

Access additional FDIC insurance up to $3M on deposits through a seamless network of participating banks. Learn more and opt in here.6

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    Do it all from our app.

    Simplify your finances with mobile banking features designed for students like you:

  • Send and receive money

  • Set up your Digital Wallet (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay)

  • Log in with secure Face ID

  • Instantly lock/unlock your debit card if it's lost or stolen.

  • Receive real-time account alerts to stay in the know.

  • Open an account

Have a job?
Unlock even more with direct deposit.

Open an account

Already have an account? Set up direct deposit

Get your paycheck early.

You’ll automatically get your paycheck up to two days early every time you get paid.7

No-fee Overdraft Coverage.

We’ll cover you up to $50 with no fees if you accidentally spend more than you have.8

$300 welcome bonus

Cha-ching! Get a $300 bank bonus in your online bank account when you set up direct deposit.


Up to 3.80% APY

Direct deposit your pay or add $5,000 every 30 days to earn 3.80% APY on your savings and Vaults.10 11

Sign up


Yes! All you need to do is enter your basic information. It really is that simple.
All SoFi bank account holders need to be at least 18 years or older.
No, SoFi doesn’t require any fees or a minimum deposit to open a bank account.
You must open an account from this webpage in order to receive the $30 offer.

Simply open an account using an .edu email address and fund with a minimum $10 within 5 days of registration to receive your one-time cash bonus of $30.1
Your account remains active and usable after you graduate.
Vaults are savings goals you can set up within your SoFi savings account. These are not separate accounts but an extension of your savings account. You can have up to 20 Vaults open at any time.
All SoFi bank account holders need to be at least 18 years or older.

You’ll also need a Government-issued ID and you must open an account from this webpage in order to receive the $30 offer.