Pay no account fees
No account, overdraft, or monthly fees^—just great banking.
Earn up to $300 with direct deposit
Just open your account and set up direct deposit.†
Earn up to 3.80% APY1
That's 9x the national average savings rate.2
Access additional FDIC insurance up to $3M6
on deposits through a seamless network of participating banks. Learn more and opt in here.6
Here's how to get a better banking bonus up to $300.†
Sign up and set up direct deposit.
Wait for your direct deposit to hit your account (typically 2-4 weeks).
Collect a cash bonus of $50 to $300 depending on your direct deposit amount.
What does a better online look like? This. bank account
No account fees^
No overdraft fees. No minimum balance fees. No monthly fees. Plus, 55,000+ fee-free ATMs within the Allpoint® Network.3
Up to 3.80% APY1
with SoFi Plus 
Members with direct deposit can unlock SoFi Plus and earn 3.80% APY on their savings and Vaults balances, and 0.50% APY on their checking balances.
Up to 2-day-early-paycheck*
Feel the magic of payday up to two days earlier—automatically—when you set up direct deposit.
No-fee Overdraft Coverage
Overspent by accident? No problem. You'll be covered up to $50 with no fees with direct deposit of at least $1,000.4
Do it all in one app.
Pay bills, deposit checks, send money, manage your digital wallet, and get live customer support 7 days a week, all in the SoFi app.
Additional FDIC Insurance
Access additional insurance up to $3M on deposits through a seamless network of participating banks. Learn more and opt in here.6
Get award-winning banking.
See for yourself why SoFi won 10 banking awards from 9 industry publications last year.
Awards or rankings are not indicative of future success or results. Neither SoFi Bank, N.A. nor its employees paid a fee in exchange for ratings. Awards and ratings are independently determined and awarded by their respective publications.
Savings rates that are way above the national average.2
You make more on your money when you bank with SoFi. Get ready to earn 3.80% APY—that’s 9x the national average savings rate—on your savings and Vault balances.

Learn more about our Student Checking and Savings Offer.
Learn more: How to Set Up Direct Deposit
Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. Additional information can be found at
Learn more: How Much Money Is Needed to Start a Bank Account?
Learn more: How Old Do You Have to Be to Open a Bank Account?
-Get paid via direct deposit (into either your checking or savings). Eligible direct deposits are the electronic deposits of your paycheck, pension or government payments (e.g., Social Security) from your employer, benefits provider, or the government.
-Add $5,000 or more to your checking or savings account every 30 days.
More banking tips and resources
just clicks away.Get up to 3.80% APY today1—
tomorrow will thank you.
Get the best of both worlds with an online checking account and an online savings account that work better together.
Simply download the SoFi app, become a member, and sign up today.SoFi > Banking